A challenging reconstruction included a number of special restoration work and a large number of professionals from various fields participated on it.
We are pleased to announce, that the main front facade has been completely repaired. Restoring of the beauty of Dientzenhofer's dynamic facade, an ornate sculptural elements meant a challenging task for all involved. After long preparations have been gradually restored six sandstone sculptures central part of the facade - St. Christopher and St. Clara at the top of the attic by the middle tower, St. Joseph and St. John the Baptist on the central balcony and a St. St Francis and St. Anthony of Padua on the sides of the main portal.Unprecedented quality and charm are also revived restored marble alliance coat of arms of Philip Hyacinth Lobkowicz and his two wives above the central portal. Besides sculptors and stonemasons done an excellent job as well Pasir artisans, blacksmiths and master gilder on the metal parts - especially the four Baroque gate after repair literally "light up" the entire facade. Was also restored all the windows and window bars, including oval windows on the tower. Proper care received timbers carrying the rare Dutch bells in the clock tower, a new solution was also the floor and lantern tower that formerly leaking threatened the carillon clockwork.
Reconstruction of the facade will be, God willing, next year completed by works on the side wings of the facade. We hope that also next year kind visitors will be lenient to the rather worsened access to the Loreto Sanctuary. The reward for all of us, perhaps late next year will be completely restored facade of this beautiful baroque monument!
Demanding reconstruction is financially supported by the City of Prague (desalination of base and drainages), the restoration of the statues of St. Francis and St. Anthony was financially supported by the Ministry of Culture. We thank all institutions and individuals from the professional community for their support in realization of such large-scale event!
Look at these snapshots! What a variety of different professions and specialties, who participated on the reconstruction of the facade :-))