Groups of visitors are always welcome in Loreto Sanctuary. It's not necessary to book the entrance in advance, just come and visit us during the opening hours. Tours are individual and are not timed, so groups of visitors freely pass through the entire Loreto Sanctuary. standardly we don't offer guided tours, our custodians are ready to give you a brief stories from the history and about the materpieces from the Loreto Collections.
Popular Audioguide is offered in 7 languages (CZ, EN, FR, GE, ESP, IT, RU).
Loreto Prague respects free admission for the guides of the groups (max. 1 free guide to a group of 15 people).
Please note, that at the time of Saturday's regular organ concerts (April-October, starts at 15:00 and 15:30) the visit with the laud interpretation is not possible inside the Church of the Nativity. The whole church is reserved for the concert audience at this time. Thank you for your understanding.