The only late-medieval work of Loreto treasure has been loaned to an exceptional exhibition project Europa Jagellonica representing a representative cross section of the art of the late Gothic and early Renaissance in Central Europe.
The exhibition was first displayed in GASK in Kutna Hora, Czech republic (May-September 2012), then moved to Warsaw, Poland (October 2012 - January 2013) that finished in Potsdam, Germany (March-June 2013). The project was organized by four art museums in the Czech Republic, Poland and Germany in cooperation with Scientific research institute at the University of Leipzig: The Central Bohemian Gallery in Kutna Hora (GASK), Das Haus der Brandenburgische-Preußischen Geschichte in Potsdam (HBPG), Museum Narodowe w Warszawie (MNW) Zamek Krolewski w Warszawie (ZKW) and Geisteswissenschaftliche Das Zentrum Geschichte und Kultur Ostmitteleuropas an der Universität Leipzig (GWZO). Great project, Loreto Sanctuary is proud to be a part of this ambitious international exhibition!