In 2024, the renovation of the New Treasury Chamber was completed - visit us and enjoy the most valuable gems of the Loreto treasure in the newly adapted safe display cases, which highlight the beauty of the excellent Baroque goldsmith's artworks.
We are pleased that, after a short closure, the newly renovated space of the New Treasury Room open it's gate to visitors. The original concept from the 1960s, including the glass ceiling from the 1980s, has been preserved. The interior of the showcases has been modified in accordance with current exhibition standards. The location of most important works in the individual showcases has been preserved, so even group guides need not worry about getting "lost" in the new exhibition. A few artefacts went to the depository, they were mostly textiles that did not benefit from long exposure and needed to rest. On the contrary, a number of amazing artworks, so far hidden in the Loreto depository, were added. We believe that visitors will welcome these minor changes.
We look forward to your visit!
dating: 60s of the 20th century, according to the project of architect Vacek