Loreto Prague

Dientzenhofers and Loreto

Dientzenhofers and Loreto

Don't miss our new exhibition catalogue

The book is already available for sale in our Museum Shop.

Anthology of Essays and Exhibition Catalogue
ISBN 978-80-906074-5-3
204 pages, more than 340 colour photos

Catalogue is available for sale in our Museum Shop.

Petr Bašta, Markéta Baštová
Authors of Essays
Petr Bašta, Markéta Baštová, Jiří Bláha, Veronika Koberová, Michaela Líčeníková, Petr Váňa, Tomáš Váňa.
translation to English © Rosana Murcott, Philip Marsheter
translations from Latin © Pavel Zahradník
photo © Petr Bašta, Jiří Bláha, Lobkowicz Collections o. p. s., Loreto Prague, The City of Prague Museum, National Heritage Institution
graphic design © Markéta Baštová
prepress services and printing © Graphic factory s.r.o.
published by the Czech Capuchin Province
1st English edition
Prague 2017
CZK 420,-