14th June 2016 – 28th February 2018. The exhibition is prolonged until the end of February 2018!
The impressive Baroque facade, which is one of the major landmarks of Prague, everyone knows. But guess how it looked like before Philip Hyacinth Prince of Lobkowicz ordered this significant architectural scenery from Christopher Dientzenhofer? Today's visitors usually do not perceive that the facade was not created simultaneously with the whole Loreto Sanctuary, but almost 100 years after its founding. And it is just this interesting construction history of Loreto facade on which is focused the high season exhibition, which was prolonged to the end of 2017.
In cooperation with leading experts in the baroque architecture and conservationists "The Story of Loreto facade" during the 17th and 18th centuries will be presented. Visitors can follow how the architecture of Loreto was transformed, chapels were added and the appearance of the building façade was changed.
Attention is also focused on the sculptural decoration of the facade, which is problematic from the very beginning. Due to the use of bad quality sandstone has a large number of statues damaged very soon. Their poor condition also caused by Loreto location near the the city walls, the space of Loreto Square was often in danger by shooting of enemy troops during the siege of Prague. Within the exhibition project a collection of original torsos of statues of angels from Loretta balustrade is presented. There are three architectonical models of Loreto Sanctuary displayed - situation in 1664, 1699 and 1720 - and many contemporary cityscapes of Loreto Square.
The exhibition not only look into the history of the building, but has also overlap to the present: it presents an interesting moments in the ongoing reconstruction of the facade.